Sunday, October 13, 2002

Sunday Morning, Slept in till 10.30, had a good sleep, the abdo pain is palpably better. Still reading avidly, mostly easy to digest fiction. I was thinking about if I have lost weight, my feet are but skin and bone, well its all relative. I think my face looks different too. My belly doesn't feel much smaller, but everything has well fallen down a bit. These loose clothes don't help, perhaps I should wear some work clothes to get a good idea. I think I'll take a picture for the web site tomorrow. Been looking at other blogs and found this The homeless guy written by a homeless man in Nashville, he goes the library everyday to update. I didn't say yesterday but I had a drive around the retail parks carpark yesterday. That felt good, I'll feel more independent when I can go out alone, Jean starts back at work this week. Part time initially, three afternoons and some working from home.

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