Monday, October 14, 2002

Monday afternoon. Back from outpatients, 2 hours there big waits Mr Kerrigan was running late. Good news on the weight front I am content, I'll detail how content tomorrow morning. So I'll take my questions and his answers and try to lay them out for you.
Driving - yes go, go go.
Pain - probably due to the retractor during surgery, will resolve (and it is getting better).
The service has a new dietitian who started today but has had her appendix out last week.
Meals - work through the plan go to 3 meals and no snacking aim for 1200 calories and high protein.
Gym - can start this week avoid belly muscle work for 3-4 months, Aim for 40 mins 3-5 times a week.
I got weighed results tomorrow.
Vitamins keep on look for new chewy type - Alison Butt to help.
Minerals - blood test today.
Over all he was pleased with my progress, he emphasised the partnership aspects of the procedure, and though the operation was doing most of the weight loss the input from me would increase over time.
I am going to set up a website for him whilst I am off sick, as well as increasing the amount of patient info on my web site. He took down details for the blog site he said a couple of people had asked him. (Better be careful what I say).
Jean and I are made up! Going to go and see my mate Cozzie from Bridge Chapel and pick Alison up.

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