Friday, June 17, 2005

Thursday Night Friday morning.

After a skype session with andrew and much trying to sort my email woes i headed down stairs to watch Tivo - if you dont know what tivo is you are missing out. Watched Murphys Law in which Nesbitt goes even deeper each this week. This week the poor sod is really in the  brown stuff, he has taken to wearing a Yes T-shirt. My wife is shocked to learn that the beeb have allowed the producers to stoop so low.
Catch a bit of the office - red nose day ep. Ricky does crack me up and like Homer simpson sad to see so much of me in him.
Friday i lie in to the ungodly hour of 9.45, and breakfast and slob out. I have a self destructive element that I dont understand. I spoke to Frank the GP last night about cutting down booze
so after two nights of abstinence I have a bevvy. During Mens Health week I aint been the gym. I have a cunning self deception plan as well. My mission this week is to show that blokes can be active without going the gym. (my excuse). I haven't worn a pedometer coz I think the technology is pants. I end up fiddling with it and tripping up - bit like fellow blogger Jim.
I want one that can gps me and store then work out how far I done. For now I do 45 mins brisk walking till sweaty and almost breathless.I done it 4 times already this weekand its only Friday. So that is pretty good.
Old mate Sir Liam Donaldson CMO
would be pleased. Though I think he says 5 *30 and this Ken Fox bloke said 5*45 if you lost weight and wan to maintain loss. Deep joy.
Got to go out now and buy a rabbit hutch - long story will explain later.

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