Monday, June 27, 2005


Somehow I forgot to mention that on Saturday night I stubbed my toe on the door and broke it. Its odd it didnt hit blogspace as I couldnt shut up about it most of the day. Going in to see Mac and facing the demon of PTSD must have knocked it down my list. Anyway its back throbbing this am. Start hitting off a few sponsor emails for the Kelloggs. Not sure about training. Hope to see Jack today. So heres the plan. Meeting JK when we scoot into the Sefton suite where hopefully he been transferred from CCU. If not I may just trot up there. Then its off to meet AndrewM - top geek boy. Heres the plan JK him and me idle in the Greenbank discussing matters surgical and then bring him back here. Meet up with the girls and off for a meal tonight.
Nice one seems like a plan. In a moment of madness and laundry insecurity I am wearing my white kaftan. I feel the urge to sing Demis Roussous songs......For ever and ever.....

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