Thursday, June 16, 2005

Lets get physical.

There was no bog - dissapointing. So its back to the park and hoof it
round - the boots feel good. I take the perimeter bath and the trees
are good, and shield me from most of the rain the lack of MP3 is a
bummer but hey. I take 40 odd mins to briskly walk almost breatless to
work and am sweating. It feels good but the rain doesnt. Ring mum on
wya round and tell her my ETA. Get back to car and notice blood
transfusion service have a session at All Hallows. Shame its not open
I would have give them a unit.
Pick mum up refuse food, go to GP pick up her script, drop it into
Craigs and then its off to Tesco Old Swan. Healthy food isn't bubbling
over in the restaurant, it looks like chips s the order of the day.
Mum has sausage and chips and a row about the lack of onions in the
gravy. She wanted onion free gravy - there was a choice but she wanted
a row. I settled for a pannini and banana. Mum kept trying to give me
her chips I have two to shut her up. Then its round the shop, checking
out labels as I go. Surprised that the finest chips 1.99 are only 5%
fat - and they are lovely. I guess in chips big spud piece = less fat.
Skin on as well. tasty.
I pick up some cabbage and some low fat 3% cauli cheese to accompany.
Then a walk through Old Swan to pay an expense check in. Mum mooches
in the charity shops and then we enter another world - mum is addicted
big time to lo-cost slot machines. It was scary. Polish trainee
manageress plying us with tea biscuits and crisps. mum is big time she
won a pound on the scratchcard and spent three squid of her own money.
That was a big session for kathleen she usually prefers 2p machines.
Take the old girl home her plates are killing her.

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