Saturday, September 02, 2006

Trying to live life properly

There is a family on their way to Skeggy for a break three generationss and a house full of luggage. The mum struggles with the kitchen sink. The train fills at chesterfield I offer the seat next to me to dad with stick. Do a bit of work and concentrate on being awake. A full time job in itself. A load of supporters on the train don't know who are what they support could be anything. They are talking about the soul less nature of the arena has me guessing.
Two sisters sit opposite one daily mail other the times. Going to peterborough (where you change for Norwich. Alfreton next stop. About 25 mins to sheffield and I want a pee to crowded to go I am making a mental note to pee before sheffield. Did I mention they sent me a certificate. Sheffield uni that is. Certificate in Health Information Management. Not much but I am proud. Rang DVLA yesterday, they acknowledged reciept of re application for driving licence and when they stopped laughing they have written to my GP and consultant. Would you let this boy drive a motor. Hmm interesting will be selling the renault if its no show. Will be gutted if truth be told - cross that bridge and all that. No point worrying about that far ahead.

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