Friday, September 29, 2006

Thursday Nutrition now.

Steve got a bit lost picking me up but he eventually got there. We headed up the motorway and found Haydock easily. We were shown round to the unloading bay and set up stall. Day went well till I went in search of coffee and tea. I needed vouchers. I had none. Found steve again and he had been given one between us but blaggged two using his boyish charm. Off we were to redeem and I was scuppered. The lady had bacon butties on display tantalisingly but I was only allowed tea toast and preserves according to my voucher. Catering was going to be a enduring theme through the day. We were set up and watched the rest of the gaff set up. There were two rooms we were in the biggest but least paying bit I think. Our neighbours were aintree chester and warrington trusts all either trying to attract or presenting some work. There were loads of other trusts and apart from TOAST I think we were the only charity there. The were loads of suppliers of various dietitian type products so vits supplements proteins drinks and baby milk. Most people were attracted by the freebies pens highlighters cows rubber ducks furry monkeys water bottles badge holders staplers hole punches tape measures and a cacophony of useless crap. ( I am only pissed as I didn't get any of the menagerie). Got some pens for me mam and leslie and some protein drinks for AGM.
Drank water tea was available on an as pay basis. Got lunch 4.50 for a veggie lasagne, if 3 courgettes 2 mushrooms in some tomato and a bucket of bechamel a lasagne make. Twas crap. Should have had the chilli and jacket which looked a better option. Relieved Steve for lunch he was doing a sterling job selling the product. To be fair to the customers it wa a lot easier sell than ever before word that Weight Loss surgery is a real treatment is sneaking out.

I got a lift home off emma a dietitian in South Liverpool she dropped me at Queens drive and I waited for the 81 little did I know what was to happen there was a postman drunk and asleep on my shoulder his beery breath offensive whilst alluring. All roads were closed then gridlock ensued

poor lad but I think several shouted jump jump. I spent an hour and a half on a 20 minute journey not good. Jean and I went out to the great wall at the top for the early evening special.

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