Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday in the suite

Get in there in better time than usual my sleep seems to be following one night crap one good night pattern. Last night was good.
Smart 01514860815. Given number by Liz D Job broker

Busy day seeing pre-ops post ops and a heap of phone calls get a happy vibe from work. Home and up to the post office sorting out essentials. Graham the neofasicst post master lambasts a young girl around a minor transgression concerning a transcash transgression. This man is waiting for the revolution when we will all beissued a chipped photoidentity card and he will be at the top table coz he is the dude that dishes them out. The recent large letter legislation had him excited, I made the mistake of bringing him to the edge by enquiring as to how much this letter would send he got out his guide and demonstrated (in several dimensions, of which time was the longest) the measuring of packages. I shit you not I would have paid 44 quid to get out of there never mind the thrilling 44p. I may spend tomorrow afternoon trawling for some obscure product he doesnt stock - he is miffed he cant do check and send on a driving licence, check and send is the stuff Graham lives for. How to obstruct holidays and piss people off with a millimetre rule and a shake of the head. His wife shakes her head embarrassed at his performance.

In the evning Jean and I take the early bird option at http://http://www.mytravelguide.com/restaurants/profile-78827205-United_Kingdom_Liverpool_La_Bussola.html average fare at an ok price. Then off to Tesco home to Universally challenged and a mediocre spooks episode.

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