Friday, July 01, 2005

A psychiatrist a meal and the boogie woogie blues

Prof running late, In merseycare I have the status of hidden patient. Set up by the marvellous Ann Deane when we implemented the mental health system many years ago. I dont know the details, I  have a special number and dont appear in a general search on the main MPI master patient Index. Surprising amounts of health professionals are being treated. I once again sit in the waiting room see 6 people i used to manage, only one of who acknowledges recognising me.(Good). Big wait to see prof but I dont mind, top bloke as ever. He really is an Holistic guy. I need to make an appointment at CAB to get advice re benefits. I have had the DLA form for 5 months and been too depressed to fill it in.
As an aside this pops into my inbox and I feel I must post it for Kieran.

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