Saturday, February 01, 2003

Saturday Morning - Happy new year

A very good night last night - started off jittery if people would turn up but got better. I was more relaxed than ever. The red wine helped, I was even caught dancing (an activity which in previous years I really enjoyed). Can't hardly walk this morning though. Few no shows (but there always is), some late arrivals from Sefton/Hammy house who had been out on the pop in town. Bar still serving at 2 only diehards left then though. Good representation from the matchworks, Maghull, Hammy House, and even some faces from Mental Health days. Good representation from Jeans side of the family and Grandma looked like she had a good time. Bob Clare my cousin who looks more like my dad than I do and his wiife June made an appearance. The poor family support was probably down to my tardiness in organising/inviting people. Still never mind, all present seemed to have a good time, the disco was considerably better than last year and there were plenty up to dance. I took some photos and I'll post them somewhere later. Bit tired and stiff this morning.

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