Thursday, February 20, 2003

Post lunch nausea

four little bits of bread with the soup and i feel sick and full. Back to blogging to divert my attention and refocus the brain. Mum is feeling better was the report recieved this morning. Ruth and Paul have gone to New York, Happy birthday ruth and I hope they can find me a cheap pocket PC. if not I'll be buying one next week. dell have brought out a little one that looks the part only 270squid as well, that'll do me. York is a lovely city and lots of street entertainers etc, very touristy but hey I like that. Had a look at wlsinfo the website I have set up and 12 members now registered and good amount of traffic flowing. Read a book on Internet cafes before my dinner, seems they have them everywhere now. Anyway going to get off now and look at the York archy trust thing and chat to my mate mick on msnmessenger

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