Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Tuesday am

Up early feeling good, ingesting a tinned pear now for breakfast, feeling full better stop. Due at a conference today at Anfield organised by Laurence Clark a good geezer who is a mate of mine. Said I wouldn't make all day but would make a guest slot at some time. Thats how it is, I hate being unreliable but - its all on the day. I felt great 5 mins ago but that pear is starting to fight back. Also worried about the sloppy diet provision at Anfield might have to nip out anf find a soup kitchen. Generally the rule is no work before 10.30 -11 but hell that could change, I am still on the up. Posted something for a friend on GP-UK and had a really nice message of personal support from the list owner. Generally on the up still.

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