Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Tuesday Afternoon

Off to the Bear and Staff in Gateacre with Kim and Andy, stalwart companions from the finance team in the matchworks. A pint of prawns works well for me in the absence of soup. I repair to Tesco Woolton to cah in my script and shop for tea. Back home and I retire to bed for an hour and half sleep comes quickly and is refreshing. I awake and prepare the meal. Steak and chips for Jean and Cheeseburger and chips for Ally. Salmon and prawns hot with a garlic butter sauce suffices for me.
Mother rings with the news that Nanny Banks is negotiating A&E at RLUH " the Royal" as it is known. Not good and mums scrambler is set maximum encryption so I elect to wait till a personal meeting can sort it. I arrange to meet her at 7 at the front entrance. Nanny still aint been admitted, and I whip mum home. I go in and chat and after fearsome interrogation it would appear that me Nan has cellulitis, though this is on top of chronic acopia.
Off to cell group via Tesco for petrol and a satisfying time with Romans 5. Arrive home ten past ten they are a fine bunch there and most uplifting. My private meditation focuses around release from fear and fund raising to pay for Saturdays meeting.

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