Thursday, September 09, 2004


Off to drop Ally at school then see Frank at the practice. He is a top man for sure - complete holistic approach. Gives me return date for work. Talk a good few things through.
Propose return date for work of 27/09/04 and a phased return. Then its off to me mum and Morrisons. She is having 6 or so dizzy spells a day - not looking brilliant. Back ter house via the greengrocers see Kathy at the practice give em a basket of fruit and chocolates. Then back to mums for lunch and look at sheilas PC. Then off home and its in the garden.
Girls in and then whipped Ally to Borders. Then its off to Mike and Janes. Micks mum and dad looking well. Better than the wireless network in their house.
Home at a late hour.

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