Monday, August 01, 2005

Sunday worries, mortality, and anxiety.

Sunday morning expecting two pieces in the paper about WLS this am one I was involved in by Rachel Cooke in the Observer, and another a member approached the news of the world about. People are worried about them both, me more worried about the NOTW than the Observer. I hunt around online and find a shortened version at,6903,1539398,00.html worried about the three individuals involved two of whom have worries for different reasons. My 11.30 my paper copy hasn’t arrived so I hoof it to the top. Get one and by the time I get back ours has been delivered. Mixed but awareness raising is how I feel – a couple of ouch moments for individuals but on the whole it doesn’t come out too bad.

I have more crap going on about this referral. For a bizarre reason and a trigger I couldn’t find I start crying at lunchtime. I feel paralyzed by fear, terrified not of dying but of endless visits to hospital and waiting for results and all that entails. I couldn’t go the shops, couldn’t go on my pc, I watch some trash telly. Jean brings some food and something is point together, some meat balls and pasta I think but my mind has divorced my mouth and its not even registering as a meal.

This week also sees my visit to Occupational Health – to say I am bricking it about that is an understatement. I don’t really have my head round how it works. I see the amusingly named DR Hibbert at Occ Health. I met him a couple of times and begged him not to finish me off. I don’t know where we go from there. The afternoon drags I cant even get into one of fave trash movies the epic a bridge too far, my head is all over the place. Jean kips ally reads and I panic. We eat some salad in the garden, Shortly after tea Frank my GP rings, He is a friend and is looking for a lift to Manc airport next week. Sure says I, after a long How are you conversation.

Starts with are you sure you want to know, Frank as ever is the man. Need to get referred and rule out a pituitary adenoma, this seems to offer a useful factual statement

Have an Interesting, is this my anxiety fuelled by my irrational thoughts or is this on top of the interview scary stuff.

One is bad enough the two are a ball breaker – result being scared is natural. Frank also reminds me about my PTSD which is enuff to scare me more than any growth in the nut.

Can I point out that since worrying about this, this am I have an increasing incidence of neurological signs. These range from headache tremor, and just a sensation that have a huge growing thing in my nut.

Hmm a worry when and what to tell my mum, Brother David if you read this don’t say nowt to her. I shall consult with Mary – let her tell her seems a cowards way out but an excellent plan..



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