Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday morningh help from unexpected quarters

Jean gets off to work she isn't feeling the best. Drops the letter at the surgery and has a cry when she gets into work. I can't concentrate I have several things to do but can't be bothered. Jim Pollard hails me on the Skype diamond geezer Jim. Speak to a few friends and surf the web. Find someful useful info and my view is I will be invesigated for a non secreting pituitary tumour. I don't think I have any of the secreting signs. I have some intermittent very odd heaches over the last 6 months, thought it was hypertension but bp ok. Can't reallly pin much else down - cept I am on a shed load of meds. We shall see. Anyway the process will generate material for the blog. Bright side trying to generate positives. Get some touching personal messages on the site.
Feelin a bit angry, the last three years I have had surgery endoscopy mania depression bipolar obstruction peritonitis pnuemonia depression. Feels like I done my share - can't I have some time off. OK whinge over I got lots of blessings too and I pulled through all this and will pull through. Bring it on.
Cancer giggles man do a google on it is a good grounder. Gallows humour here I come.

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