Monday, June 21, 2004

Monday operation get bum in gear

Awoke feeling the need to motivate myself, Cathy called as I entered the bath. Dripping wet I answered the door. Resumed bath and reporrted for dressing duties. Good progress After considerabl faff I get the act together and hatch a cunning plot.
I hop on to the 173 at the end of the road driven today by Tony everyone seemed to know his name. Everyone said ello Tony thanks tony. All very pleasant. Arrive in the gym - lunched wih Norman and partook of soup. Very good. Prawns too. The sun came out so I sat ouside.Most enjoyable got the bus back to top of our road and was exhausted.

Enjoyed watching England - I predicted a hattrick for the boy - so was as dissapointed as he look when took off.

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