Saturday, June 05, 2004


Not much happened - really. I am still knakkered. Vineeta from WLSINFO has a TIVO the only other person I have met. District Nurse called - running low on dressings etc expecting a delivery from craig the mobile pharmacy man. Girls go off for a scalping at some posh gaff in Allerton Road. I am vegetating, bowels backing up and feeling lacklustre. call from mum, Colin is arranging the house clearance of Nannies - for which I am grateful. Call from Taxi Billy from cell - he was worried about me when I was in dock. Salmon for tea and girls off to Beas. I chill. Watch have I got news for you and Jonny Ross - woman off the office, man of the x-files and jean Luc. Very good. I also ordered some sounds off amazon (had a voucher) jools holland and norah jones.

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