Saturday, January 11, 2003


Took to pureed fruit for brekkie. Stayed down went to the gym and got weighed - I have lost over 10 stones since the op - made up, new picture at the main web site. Barfed after some liquidised vegetable soup. Agreed with Jean I should see the dietitian ASAP. I don't think I am getting enough in. Started work on the new new site which will have info and support for people this side of the atlantic. Hoping to persuade Kieran "Loopy" to help me with the info feeds. Signed up for a new web hosting account which I hope to be reimbursed for at some point. A bit of sponsorship perhaps, from the surgical tool makers. Downloaded some nifty soft ware to set up discussion boards, and fixed the sound on my PC - feeling good if a little tired. Rang the Heath Hall to see if it is a suitable place for birthday party, will visit tomorrow.

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Speech and language therapist says there is improvement

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