Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday Early start for me

Try to get in to the suite post haste but end up dressing in the taxi, at one point I have 1 shoe, no belt, a tie, no shirt, bill grundies and an anorak. Eventually leave just minus keys. Hit the suite go and weigh a mate (as you do). Then its into the first meeting, a lady commissioner from the darkest south west. Nice lady and the team do a good turn, all looking joined up. Then its in to the RGN ward meeting where I end up doing a mini intro - I feel a complete tit introducing myself to people who have been working with me for months. Its worth it though, one person didnt realise I was a nurse I tried to dispel the professional chatter myth and got willingly roped in to do some gigs on staff training. I wonder what they think I have been doing - I decide its better not to ask. I help someone with powerpoint then get on do with the patient 5 to see. I witness courage and honesty that is humbling. I go home feeling kinda nursey - florence would be proud. Off to london tomorrow so need to go to the airdressers (note not frank) and get me locks shorn. Need prescription and other crap s0rting to.

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