Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Off to pick up post

Got up late, leisurely Tuesday am after a long monday. Started with the good doctor holcroft testing my head then moved on to the sefton suite phonecalls a bit of real mursing with a non bariatric patient then a new patient clinic with mr mc adam. Home late and spied the chief constable of merseyside observing pc's enforcing asbos on mischief night. BTW WTF is mischief night when did it start why did no one tell me. Watched spooks (same riproaring plot this time it war fundamentalist christians). Off to bed. Anyways back to today kim binned me off she's playing nurse to pete. So I am off to post office for charity mail. Will pop into the mission for me dinner all being well. Need tostart carrying me camera but wonder if I would have used it last night on chief con. I want a new coffee machine. Every now and again I get the fancyin for coffee. Perhaps save me dosh and stick to the costa/starbucks thing. Sat on this bus someone is wearing nannies perfume. Hers was characteristic old lady niff. To be honest I just thought she smelt that way. Its a kind of erau de toilette on homeless.

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