Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Monday moaning

Blackberry Alarm goes off insistently at 6.45 Jean rings at 7 I am up and at it in a semi concinpus type of way. Ally is a star going to school. I consume some tea some more tea then some flakes. About 9.30 I have a sort of hypo attack and end up eating digestives chocolate and milk to correct. Feel better jump delta to work. Arrive and doing ok. Sort out some pre op assesment business then its on to post op its all go. Louise and Lesley are off to Sheffield on a training gig. Then I am home with a Delta man who has a brother who had a bypass and sings the praises of the sefton suite. Ally gets in and we sort tea meanwhile a call from Erina at Mentorn about some filming in late October. Ally and I get on well mickey browne calls wioth an update on his dad. Then its spooks after autumn watch then bed. Nighty night.

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