Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Lunch at Filini

Filini is the restaurant in this gaff. Classy looking place and good reviews. The hotel and tower are impressive to me.
Nice looking restaurant but empty.
Menu good -
Italian meat platter, olives, parmesan, Vassoio piatto con salumi, olive e parmigiano italiani £6.95
Pumpkin ravioli, crispy sage, Ravioli con ripieno di zucca e salvia ricciuta £5.50
Home made tagliatelle, garlic spinach, gorgonzola cheese, Fatto in casa tagliatelle con spinaci all ‘aglio gorgonzola £5.50
Porcini and potato soup, garlic crostini, Zuppa Minestra di funghi porcini e patate, crostini all ‘aglio £5.25
Rabbit, pork and fennel terrine, pickled apples, pomegranite dressing, Terrina di coniglio, maiale e finocchi, con mele sottaceto, melagrane £6.75
Seared Scallops, tossed fregola grossa, Capesante alla griglia servite su fregola grossa £ 8.00
Truffle and pecorino risotto, Risotto con tartufi e pecorino £7.25
Ham, lentil and herb broth, Brodo Minestra di prosciutto, lenticchie e verdure £5.50
Peppered tuna, rocket, lemon, tomato, Pepperonata di tonno, rucola, limone e tomato £ 6.95
Beef carpaccio, mustard mayonnaise, parmesan, Caraccio di manzo, con mostarda, maionese, parmigiano £6.25

Kim opted for tagliatelle and spinacg, me the seared scallops obviously.

Spiced duck sausages, cabbage and red onions, Anitra condita con salse, cavoli e cipolle rosse £14.95
Organic Salmon, spiced lentils, crème fraiche, Salmone organico, lentchie piccanti, franche crema £16.00
Braised lamb neck, fontina cheese, potato sandwich, Tramezino di collo d aagnello stufato, con formaggio fontina e patate £16.50 ‘
Smoked haddock, broad bean and thyme ”lasagne”, Merluzo affumicato, fave e timo £13.95
Octopus, chilli, potato and capers, Polpo, pepperoni, patate e capperi £ 14.00
Artichoke, aubergine, tomato ragut, garlic crisps, Carciofi, melanzane, ragu di pomodori e aglio £13.50
Poached chicken, shitake ice cream, honey jus, Pollo poached, gelato di Shitake e miele £14.95
Smoked ricotta and leek cannelonni, garlic spinach, Ricotta affumicata con cannelloni di porro e spinace con aglio £ 13.95
Seared calves liver, onion confit, vinegar sauce, Fegato seared, cipolle confetti, salsa di aceto £ 16.50
Prawn, pea and tarragon linguini, Linguini di stragone e piselli con gamberetti £14.75
Kim wanted the duck sossies but was out of luck and opted for the canneloni, me inevitably the calves liver.
The food was very good and the service slow - as ever with a near empty gaff 100 seater place 6 covers dining. Food was worth it, service definitely not.
Still we had a good time even if we did get soaked walking back.
Just in case anyone from the social is reading Kim paid not me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drooling over keyboard! *slurp*

Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...