Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Tuesday Delphi day

Be careful what you do because many years from now it may come back to meet you. Many years ago when I was a manager in mental health services I was "Senior User" on the team that procured a combined human resource payroll package called delphi millenium. It followed me to Maghull, then we lost contact and now it provides pay and HR for 6 trusts across liverpool and sefton 6000 staff. Its got a poop reputation but as usual its a good system without the infrastructure to support it. I am getting trained to use it. It all comes flooding back. Know I am at least partly involved in the management of delphi. But worrying that a search on delphi millenium didnt return anything in the first 10. Adding the makes name leads me here.I enjoy it but we need to decide what we are doing about it. The trainer Erica is sound and the other participant is a school health person which is interesting. Few big issues come up but we can sort them. The training room is in Belle Vale, the training room is managed by dave B who is a member of my team. Then its back to works via starbucks after lunch with Kim. I hit a panini. Its ok. The board meeting is on and I am busy busy busy. Then its off home and a quick tea of mince and pasta. In the bath I come to a major revelation, I am asking too much of myself and I need to slow down and adopt a different pace in relation to expecting me to cope with like going to London tomorrow. So its off. There you go I am gonna take someme time. Thats a good plan. Jean is chuffed. Support group goes well I do a testimonial type thing which goes do quite well - well I enjoy it.

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