Monday, March 06, 2006


Place holder - I put this in because I was too cream crackered to post. The nurses seem to have made their minds up I have a alcohol withdrawal related seizure. Getting sme negative vibes off a few of them. Time is made passable by Peter geezer in the next bed with malignant hypertension. A veteran of Gulf War I he is convinced summat out there did for him. Nice bloke and has a laddish outlook on life. Next to me is Arnold who everyone calls by his given name a very old guy he is interesting. Opposite a very deaf man who lives alone and is on fluid restriction, next to him a young boy who seems unable to eat but smokes in spades. A good crew. At 7pm after trundling round the hospital all day I think this aint right I have a headache that paracetamol aint touching. I ask for summat stronger they agree to contact the duty doctor.
Head gets worse no one seems bothered.

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