Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back in the saddle

Well very part time - protected work - 8 hours per week. Did thursday and friday was whacked did next to nothing at the weekend. Worked on Monday - Elm Hall drive meeting in the pm. Tuesday bus to town pasty on cold cathedral crypt steps. A classic building in its own right the crypt is recommended for anyone interested in brickwork. Nice bit of the cathedral Here . Always had a soft spot for the wigwam and crypt - I remember the tower cranes when they were building it ( I must have been  around 4-5).

After the meeting over to the Whelan building number 11 on the precinct plan. A brisk cold walk back to the 86 bus top by the Phil and then a bus to Penny Lane pop in to see Adele at Tony Salivas airdressers. Seems to be too many tourists at Penny lane - these lads look south american.

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