Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Tuesday - catch up morning

try to get on top of things in the morning, make some progress Jon is still fully employed with matters agm. Tuff going and lunchtime a trip to tesco with kim to pick up some lunch then bomb to hammy house to pick up the new blackberries. This is the new beastie, a 6210 most enjojayable and a doddle to set up. Obviously something wrong there then.
Return for a session with Ray but end up blackberry upgradin instead. Catch Ray later and sort our stuff out. Home quick lasagne, then intercepted by a director from Granada factuals. David had warned me but he just caught me. Wants to do a 13 parter, on weight loss, radical techniques. Manus is a good guy I decide I point him here and we discuss a load. We arange to meet and I am off to the Glaxo with Ally Jean plans to follow later, after seeing her mum. The meeting goes well 31 or so members 75 quid raised from the clothing exchange a few donations and a general good vibe. Library books return and are redistributed. New members appear and the responsibility overwhelms me. Several people point out that they are only there coz they saw me in the paper or on telly. I am knakkered but keep going, I should have been at the AGM but have to miss it. We have a real good discussion about Manus from granada filming the next meet. It goes well connect with several people but feel pulled in too many directions. Get home exhausted.

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