Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tuesday - The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.

Onion bhajis give me gas - big time.Good discussion with Jim Pollard who despite being a jammy get and living in Paris is a top bloke. He gives me words of encouragements, several blog watchers are concerned with my low mood. Hoping the holiday will help. Too much uncertainty knockin about for me. My anxious side goes into overdrive.
Still no car but the nice Joanne makes soothing noises - customer experience from GBE knocks Speke into a cocked hat. Ally is off on a sleep over I worry I am getting high. Tis a git that when your down just feeling normal makes you worry about high. Anyway I give the blog a long overdue makeover. (Not too Manic). Quite pleased with the results.

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