Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Tuesday - two week follow up to Frank

Call in for 9.30 appt going in right direction but with bipolar the constant balance is not to go too far down one pole, had had a shakey time over the weekend when I wondered but careful review with Frank reveals that is clearly not the case. Did wake up however with a swollen left foot - how unamusing, particularly as I know the cause. Gout my old friend who hasnt visited for some time. Never before was a disease invented which combines extreme pain with extreme humiliation. Obviously people suspect I have supped 62 flagons of claret over the weekend, when alarmingly I have been alcohol free since saturday night. Frank prescribes a course of cox-2 inhibitors and a leaflet. Back to the works and a catching up. Never before I have been so on top of the day to day stuff in a job. Then home (to sort Ally, who is back to school tomorrow). Back, Caroline rearranges so I end up in the Incident/accident training. Felt a bit odd as it was an eclectic mix, thought I was a bit out of place till Val my boss and a Director joined us. Poor Kevin the Risk Management man who did a sterling job of breathing life into a potential mind numbing experience. Health and Safety always ends up a bit like The stumphole cavern guide. A reference you'll either get straight off or will baffle you.

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