Thursday, December 16, 2004

Busy boy Thursday.

Start the day at Hammy. First up its a Information Governance Toolkit gig, led by Pauline and John. Me Big Bri and George in attendance. Good session and we finish early. A gap in between meets lets me catch up with amanda, (nice brew) Paul Hackett has a new job at the StHA. Then its in to catch Karen - well worth it top character straight to the point and cuts to the bottom line. Bet shes a hard task master though.
Then on to Data Quality and Clinical coding steering group. Janet who is a star, Nick a real top bloke, dont know what his day job is but he back from the gulf. Bit frustrated at the machinations of the nhs. Joined by alison from the royal and sue from cheshire and the star ann from merseycare. couple of hours in here then its into Garston for Prof.Moriss. A long wait - part of the problem of being a hidden patient (ie not appearing on the system) but well. He is great and we make a plan and discuss my advance statement.

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