Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wednesday mornin

Eat out last night. I drank too much. So much for the two days of control I had managed. Good meal, mussels and salmon en croute u which was filo wrapped. Went to yates afterewards. Then this mornin its up to see peter kinderman. Then a stroll into town. Pick up the post then on to the museum. Caught up with the must see exhibition face to face. 30 close cropped portraits of apes. Taken from tjhe book james and other apes. Impressive. Coffe in the museum coffee shop. Have to say its been rebranded the world museum and is a goods trip. Especially not in the summer, in the words of arnie "I,ll be back. Next its hit the shop then on to the walker get me some hot hans holbien action.

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