Saturday, October 02, 2004

Saturday morning comes around.

Determined to do something just with jean today. They sleep in and I surface about 8. I mess about with FURL what a dude of a tool that is. After few false starts and a fone call from uncle george we are mobile. The plan is to hit what nanna calls the. Marmite museum. Maritime to you and I. Nannie banks (rest her soul) has a bit part in their spirit of the blitz exhibitin allegedly. So we hit thew dock and admire an unusually busy river. Yachtsn ferries anda few freighter and the inevitable ferry. Much is spouted about how clean it is these days. Granted there were no mersey goldfish that as children we enjoyed to pelt with stones. It still has the characteristic whiff, that takes me straight back there. Anyway lunch is our number 1 priority. Check out a couple of venues and settle in the blue bar part of some evil empire. A conglomerfate of night clubs bars at the dock. Beer is pants so I go safe and take a fosters. Tis as predcted. And doesn't dissapoint. I have a fine toothsome crab and shrimp salad. Jean settles for a greek sald and we split a side of lumberjack chips. Most enoyable. Then its off to get this museum squared wanted to see if nannie is actually there before discussing it with nanna. Third floor and a well done multimedia show does it tastefully. I really enjoyed it and the horror of it all is well transmitted. We found nans bit emily banks with a picture of her when she was young. Pick up the reciever, press the button and hear my dead grandmother talking about how the kids were evacuated whie she was in hospital and she went and got them back have you ever been to betws y coed its grim. Even now I am filling up and it had a surprising effect on me. I had to round a corner and dry my eyes. It did surprise me for sure. The resty of the gig was quite moving too. Luftwaffe recognition photographs. Liverpool police pics of bomb sites and most telling a map that pointed out were every bomb dropped. Interestingly the durning road shelter bombing which me dad always talked about was well documented. It was the single biggest incident of the blitz in lpool. Its a school now. Then off to the museum caff via the customs and excise stuff. that's pants that is. Off to buy a t shirt for ally and then we are away.

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