Sunday, October 31, 2004

Friday Busy Boy

Off to Sheilas (mums next door neighbour - a silver surfer) and fix her PC. She had lost sound and damned if I could work out why, I ended up fitting a cheap two channel PCI sound card and that worked fine.
Then its off to Franks for a haircut and beared(thats how he spells it) trim. Feels better swear its growing quicker too. Then down to the Richmond Tavern for Evelyns leaving doo. Always feel its a managers dooty to show up at gigs like this. I end up saying a few words and wishing her well.
Then Tesco for a few bits - home and sort a few flatpack storage inability with wood is depressing in extremis.
Then the inevitable trip to Beas ruth is pleased with her pioneer lager which I acquired in the ship the other night. Wonder if she was when she tasted it. still she puts lager innit - so.

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