Sunday, September 08, 2002

Sunday pm progress continues a rack of visitors overstuffed with food(yes).=
Catheter out after teamwhoopee do. Keep mobilising and temp down and shoul=
d be out by tuessday. In the nhs the sloppy diet is nodoubt the ubiqtuous =
mince and mash. Here it is duck breast and noisette spuds. Class distinctio=
n or what? My brother has been in and complained I have not been responding=
to his emails, truth is jean downloaded a a ruck of them to one of our hom=
e machines where they will be replied to on discharge. So! apologies to th=
ose of you I have been calling for not being in touch. We mused atlength ab=
ou't the blog and its place, he is enjoying it I think. One of the staff i=
s an HV (health visitor) at a place where I was the boss. I told her about =
the blolg she said they were alreadyfollowing it there (nice one Delea, the=
woman who taught me all Iknow about health visiting).

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