Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me from me

Thanks to everyone for cards presents and good wishes. I am 46. The website is four though as evidence of my senility I spent yesterday thinking it was three.

I shall list my presents when I have more time- currently waiting to go out to stockton heath for a meal - thats warrington to the unitiated. Long way for a meal - but hot diddley I dont mind driving in fact its a pleasure.


Kieran said...

Hippy Bathday!

Pip said...

Happy Birfday Ken. Hope you enjoyed your meal.
Can I take a guess that there may be a camera related present in there somewhere!!

Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...