Saturday, January 17, 2004

Friday feeling

Get into the works and go through the CHI informatics section with Jon a result. It looks OK. I see Paul Airey from South Sefton Health and Safety guru, he is a little shocked at my appearance much to the amusement of Jon. And then lunch with Stella and Ann in the Richmond Tavern. It belongs to the Ember Inns which means a pedestrian menu and a real fire. Its great to see them old old friends. Stella and I worked together in 1986 on 2Y at the Royal she was a sister and I was a staff nurse. Ann was queen of information before comuters in the health service and is a whizz at the mental health computer system for which she is singularly responsible. We have had some laffs together and it continuesagain. We discuss my illness and its good to be open. Hear about a friend who aint been compliant and what happened to her hmmm. The its off to the house and set up home working, dial in access and NHS mail. A singularly unfrienly service, is it me or is it that.
Continue the wade thro emails. Ally is off to the orthodontist and so her and Jean arrive in after that. Ally has KFC jean and I chicken and pasta. Off to Beas then home to the news that Nell from WLSINFO has been in doc again. Quick dive into the inaugural RNY chat. A top gig a good mix of pre and post oppers men and women and a carer. I am described as a veteran. I guess on one level I feel envious of the level of information and support these pre-ops have when I started there was diddley squat. But thats the mission fulfilled. We agree to do it again. I have an appointment with a Bishops Finger and Eastenders rerun on Beeb3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for linking to Ember Inns on this post but could you update the link to as the current one is broken?

Thank you!

Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...