Friday, October 01, 2004

Thursday Report

Up and into work - still tired but kipped lots better. At the desk and getting stuck in - situated within shouting distance of the delightful Alison Butt - Top Pharmacist. Ploughing thro emails and sorting stuff. Getting there slowly is the answer. Understimated completely how goosed I could get. Escape to Starbucks for lunch with Kim, panini - full of fat for sure. They have an instruction book for ordering your drink - I kid you not. Mind you think their resources would be better employed on staff training manual.
Then I am bowled over with 110% customer service fandabbydoze. New blokey who will obviously be sacked ASAP for his shaming the others up attitude.Then its off to Garston , the one and only SAJMH. A search for info on Alf leads to the comic pile of poo site a) merseycare aint based there. b)it was called Sefton not Thefton and c) Sefton was knocked down a few years back. Apart from all that its pretty darn accurate.
Bloods done I head of to the cobblers in Garston - St Marys road. Those streets aint pretty.
Job secured its off to me mums where no mum is to be found. Sister is there tough and we have a sibling interaction undisturbed by parental distraction. Brother rings and its nearly like a family. Mum arrives and all hell breaks out. 4 conversations start before she enters the house. Tunnel crash, causing gridlock, ram raiders = general disgust, st pauls hospital something about a brewery, and sore feet. Her pupils are as big as bin lids. Off home and girls in. I cheat some corned beef hash off jean - an M&S ready meal which is delish. Supplemented with cheese on toast.
Off to The Dispensary it aint as good as it should be. As a boy I was weaned on Higsons and miss it terribly. Cains just doesnt do it for me. Dissapointing beer but I still manage to engage in a few.
Still what it lacks in quality beer - it more than makes up for in company - so lets go round the room and observe.
Baron Jones shooting fishing earl of Hale - his minor fiefdom. He has a brother - are they twins? I dont remember - Gareth is a cheeky chap who likes his liquor. Whats more I can make him laff by looking at him. Dr Shilcock former employee who jumped ship to south sefton - wavertree living good lad. Frank- drinks guinness writes templates for a living (interesting). Sneddo south tech married life has sorted him out. Similar for mick the head thwaite - hairdressing wind and organ player.
Then round to Johnny Mc - who jean calls my greasy lover. We have so many similar sad interests its unreal. He has brought Di his wife in too - but she cant stay.
Standing up South seftons finest Davie "Is that you Dave....Is Dave there" Graham who has replaced Ann Miney in Netherley, Andy who works with Johnny Mc, Paul Smith - who is looking ore like David Brents dad everyday. Ray Lewis from Gateacre practice cunningly pronounced gattaker to confuse non scousers. Ray lives outside the city - scandinavia I think as he seems to think a bumbag is de rigueur for a night out. last but not least its everyones fave Dave B the smiling squaddie. Good craic then off to the master chef there seems to be to many primary care staff in there and they are clearly more uncomfortable about it than us. Lots of central PCTs single handers and their practice managers/wives who are often the same. Plus the delightful sue (this will cost you mccoy) riley from dovecot and her nice doctor friend.
We have a bloody good laff it is a crackin night. Mc Coy shilcock and jones share repartee at the end of a table. Paps, onion bhaji and some tikka thats me done.
Top night taxi home shared with boys.
Good stuff.

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