Thursday, May 08, 2003

A workout then off to see Frank

What a top workout cardiovascular excersise now at 35 minutes and greatly increased effort. felt great. What a feeling of satisfaction. Full series of weights as well but limited to just one set of each. Did cheat a bit and do a bit more, but felt great afterwards. Inspired to go and see Frank the barber on the high a great dispenser of wisdom wit and counselling. Vastly cheaper than a therapist and shown to have almost the same effect (for me anyway). His wife aint been well, with well serious nosebleeds, she got hospitalised which means they were bad. Frank is a bit like a taxi driver and it is great to sit in his shop and watch him weigh customers up, he has trigger subjects though which are best avoided. Drink driving and the vat man/inland revenue, I think they hound him. He works with an elderly deaf guy called Peter who is clearly his subordinate and they clearly dont get on. Peters daughter recently died unexpectedly and Frank shut the shop for an hour. Frank also has the mail and express delivered to his shop everyday. I have stopped reading them. Fascist crap generally.

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