Thursday, August 28, 2003


Need to fill in the gaps but meanwhile decide that just filling in the blanks will help somewhat. Started the day badly by waking up early breakfasting late and then .dumping, which isn't exactly what it sounds but is jolly awful.
Drop Ally at Nannas then off to work. Team meeting, some new faces, and some welcome old ones. Lunch with the delightful Olive, glad to see her back from the sick. Then a meeting with a nice audditor and then a dreadfully keen training sales man. On the phone in between to a photographer from the Nursing Standard. Ho hum I don't like being photographed. Look at web page that Lynn Jon and Gail have worked hard on. Gai; is off sick and I hope she is back real soon. Push disco tickets and off home. need to do something about that tonight. Home website, lasagne and then Winwick for the quiz. Very good to see Adair Mickey and Phil always a treat.

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