Monday, June 24, 2024

Eureka aka the Sandown.

I spent a lot of time in the Sandown 77-79. Mind you so did half the Students of Mabel Fletcher Technical College. Its mission was to churn out mainly girls Iand women to vocational roles like nursery nursing, dressmaking, some arts and drama and people like me who was deemed not bright enough for nursing yet. I was sold a pup when I rocked up at the careers office after leaving school.
What's your plan laddie? The careers master with the waxed moustache asked. I looked and felt baffled. He stunk of St Bruno. Nursing Sir Nursing said a sweaty boy quivering at attention. WHAT! Nursing for a man.
Don't worry Sir not till I am 18. AND TILL THEN??!! Dole sir. 9 quid a week I will make it last. He made a phone call shoved a paper in my hand and said you'll get a letter to start in September. The leaflet said people remember nurses. That always stuck with me. Anyways what is a Greek restaurant was where I spent two hours a day around lunchtime. The Sandown the bar never the

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Saw everyone l need to.

So it's waiting apparently I have lost my top of the list slot. Seen the gas man and the radiologist and feel really tired. I am alone I...