Saturday, November 18, 2006

A lack of blogging

I have mostly been asleep -or at least relaxing. Didnt realise how tired one body could be. Spent most of the week chilling. Had to catchup with some essentials but havent achieved anything major. A bit fed up of people telling me I am doing too much and need to slow down - I know they are right which makes it even worse. Was glad to get out of Fazakerley with all limbs intact only side effect being ascabby bit from lumbar puncture - a process I dont want to repeat ina hurry. Friday sees us taking a walk down the dock and snapping away like a tourist. I get home and discover the curves control and the 350D RAW add on for photoshop. Something to wind the long hours and quiet days away. I resolve to learn more about photoshop whilst recovering, I havent a bloody clue if truth be told digital image manipulation is up there with DTP for me things that take too long that are best left to experts. Armed with photoshop cs2 for dummies and some DVD's I am determined to have a go. Yesterday we lunched at the Tate cafe the potted beef was tremendous.
Got a letter from Frank this am he is pursuing the DVLA to reinstate my non epileptic and driving status. Will chase next week. Set up some task management software for the website - feels like an achievement. Hope I am not heading on a downward swing, but I find Children in Need Friday always signals a seasonal low for me. Titheads dressed like a bear doing stupid things for charidee distresses me. I avoided TV and shopping as best I could yesterday. Should be our lunch but Ruth and Paul doing it because I was ill. Mum rings every day - I think she is worried about me.

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...