Friday, January 27, 2006

Spoon Restaurant : 103 - 105 Allerton Road Liverpool L18 2DD

Spoon Restaurant : 103 - 105 Allerton Road Liverpool L18 2DD For Birthday Tea.
I was a bit worried when i rang at 6.20 and they had a table for 2 at 7. But I neednt have been. Nice place candlelit, bit cool temp wise but nice bench with cushions thing going on.
Limited menu hink it was 5 starters and mains. I went for monkfish cheeks and baby scallops with a buttery greamy garlic sauce going on. I wasnt sure that a monkish had more than a tail which was edible but they werent butt cheeks. 9/10. The sauce needed moppping by hand with the home made bread. Preceded by a glass of unoaked chilean chardonnay. Jean was sort of acked into a spaghetti number (dont eat spaghetti out or unless naked.It was a clam crab and tomato looked good tasted good and was a winner. Both seved on hot plates.
Mains stuck with a chilean thing and went merlot - Jean did a steak and slowroast tomato dish I scored a free mushroom, hers was served with most symmetrical and delicious fat chips.
Mine a panfried druck brest served with asiatic greens and a warm salad with sesame dressing. Very good we added honeyroast parsnips and steamed broccoli with garlic.
Top banana

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...