Monday, January 09, 2006

New year new starbucks

Here I am sat in the new bucks opposite the royal. Seems strangely quietto me oy been open a week and is more popular with internationals then locals. Heard 4 languages in additon and saw my eye doc too. So been pretty mad since festives. Billys funeral came and went avoided new year as the sham of a festival it is. All andi stewart and drunk neighnbours making me kiss them memories for me. Still the image of port and lemon filled grannys fills me with horror. First drink I ever tated Btw.
There was a prog called dying to be thin on the tv tother night. It set out to illustrate the negative effects off bariatric surgery, it went for a v. Dramatic way. It scared some people and educated others. Caused ranting here and then I watched it again and felt well. The pictures were dramtic sure for many they will be the images recallled. It seemed more positive after actually watching it and noting the key messages. Bottom line for me it clumsily got many key messsages across.
Jeans mum in the royal still. Jean and ruth seeing dr fook today. Poor sod wild name. Me I brought ma to Bingo. I see from the our community that it is actually active aging. No wonder they get grants etc to go out. PCT no doubt ticking big boxes. I must do a FOi enquiry about the report of what goes on there and compare it with mums skewed reality. They did dree up in period costume once so probably getting arts council grant as well. In fact the bucks prob gets a grant by claiming to be in Kensington regeneration area and the bish (who looks like peter sutcliffe) is selling on fair trade. (Win win).
Worked two dAys last week. We are off to balmaha at half term ) deep joy right off to pick ma up after active aging.

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...