Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wearing Bryan Ferrys Jacket

Sod M&S and its faded blue harbour productsI am upgrading to be become a collezione customer. To be I already have a winter coat by them. I think I wll turn into a smarter new model for the spring. So I have bought into a jacket advertised by the above slimy crooner. This morning however I am rugged and active so still unashed and macho it out down at the recycling centre. Its a butch place all workman boots hard hats and hi visibility vests. 2 men risk life and limb sorting the shite that people have filed wrong.

My mood is like a rollercoaster - feeling odd, tring to be objective

possible causes

  1. separation anxiety as therapeutic relationship with peter ends
  2. increased headache
  3. irritation/frustration with some charity matters.


  1. talk to peter
  2. sort meds with frank
  3. accept me today for what I am - apply serenity prayer.

Been to tyre shop and one is illegal I have been driving on the canvas (dont sound good). have to buy two and have me wheels aligned (going to ask for eyes and teeth as same package).

Spoke to three journos yesterday

two freelancers interestingly weightwatchers and lighter life

and a tv production company

Appeared briefly on GMTV (didnt see my face just me shirt). The terribly titled half ton hospital is on next tuesday at 9pm.

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...