Thursday, March 29, 2007
Joseph Blanco White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washing machine repair man
Been for a aircut and the nice lady adele was off. Saw a right mizzog who spoke to her mate. Went in the oxfam shop and bought two books. Must take them some as donations. Now wandered to tesco for provisions for tea.
Peter Kinderman.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Wednesday in library
Beating the Blues
This is the cognitive behavioural program the government have to get me back to work.
Happy days
Canon PowerShot G5 Review: 1. Introduction: Digital Photography Review
Monday, March 26, 2007
Clinical Skills
Today I went here to learn basic life support skills.
Ratio of compressions to breaths is now 30:2.
More of Manchester prints
Off to cpr training this am and may stay a few hours to see the weekends patients.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Saturday Morning.
Back to bed with the paper and tea and toast. unusually productive morning for me.Plan is straightforward mum to asda and entertain her somewhere for lunch. i did main shop last night at Tesco I score a new case for my nano and casino royale and the wicker man (the nicholas cage version not the edward callan masterpiece).
Mum bit scared about cardiac catheterisation on monday - consenting her must have been a scream.
Friday, March 23, 2007
What a week.
So the conference thoughts.
Introduction session from Louise and session from Basil Ammorri only two I attended. Exhibiting was good and I have plenty to do following up leads. The tv show - seemed a good first programme. Certainly caused a reaction on the website and among family and friends. Everyones talking. To top it all desperate dieters getting repeated on discovery home and leisure. 2pm weekdays I am in ep 2 today - I think. Got a new jacket from mand s which the girls say is very like the existing suit. Need some new pants and chinos and some casual shoes.
Wednesday saw the first session of managing the way forward. A conditon mismanagement module chaired by a terminally cheerful but non the less pleasant geezer. Interesting session held in the central library a delightful building erected in 1859. I plan exploring its delights next week after the session. Also on my list for future sessions are the walker and the museums.
Some flak on the forums as to whether we should be involved with the media. My view is get the message out as long as it is done responsibly. My evidence base is that a friend got the op this week on the nhs after a long wait. Her and her daughter saw me in the echo one night.
Website closed for essential upgrade friday thro sunday. Desperate dieters repeated again on discovery health.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Half Ton Hospital Tonight
The website I set up is at good luck with your journey.
Sugarman HJ et al
Rutledge laprascopic minigastric bypass. Lee et al
1 28 day mortality. 0.3
Only 6 month follow up for them.
Nadler et al. J paed surg
Pories et al. Ann surg 1995
Dixon and obrien diabetes care 2002
Ponce et al. Obesity
Eid. Surg obesity related dis 2005
Sanchez-Santos obese
Christou et al
Monday Conference.
Made some contacts. Met briefly with Louise from Toast need to pick up with her tommorrow.
Didnt stay for reception was goosed - Ment some good guys from Abbot went back to hotel rested and then wandered and ended up in a smaller and cheaper than last nights restaurant. They drank but beats dining alone.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Saturday night
Recalling the week.
Was scuppered early on by withdrawal from tramodol, wrap that up with oversensitivity and you are goosed.
Couldnt work Wednesday due to headaches - did Thursday Friday.
A busy saturday getting ready for obesity and health in manchester and taking mum shopping.
PC world - for ink and laminator pouches clintons for cards tesco prescot for general shop and stuff.
Home and messing with website blogging and presentations.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Burnin rubber
Tuesday night
Need to prioritise sort pharmacy, and ring work. Off for tyres ally finishes early jeans away in lancashire at an ot pow wow. Me sat in ATS. Men working on my car why does oil intimidate me so. Talk of trackng and alignment seems costly.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Yard dog
Wearing Bryan Ferrys Jacket
Sod M&S and its faded blue harbour productsI am upgrading to be become a collezione customer. To be I already have a winter coat by them. I think I wll turn into a smarter new model for the spring. So I have bought into a jacket advertised by the above slimy crooner. This morning however I am rugged and active so still unashed and macho it out down at the recycling centre. Its a butch place all workman boots hard hats and hi visibility vests. 2 men risk life and limb sorting the shite that people have filed wrong.
My mood is like a rollercoaster - feeling odd, tring to be objective
possible causes
- separation anxiety as therapeutic relationship with peter ends
- increased headache
- irritation/frustration with some charity matters.
- talk to peter
- sort meds with frank
- accept me today for what I am - apply serenity prayer.
Been to tyre shop and one is illegal I have been driving on the canvas (dont sound good). have to buy two and have me wheels aligned (going to ask for eyes and teeth as same package).
Spoke to three journos yesterday
two freelancers interestingly weightwatchers and lighter life
and a tv production company
Appeared briefly on GMTV (didnt see my face just me shirt). The terribly titled half ton hospital is on next tuesday at 9pm.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Saturday night
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Later on Tuesday
Tuesday off work
Decide to do some chilling. Few things need sorting got a beating the blues appointment as part of my Condition Mismanagement Programme it a computerised CBT thing and I am looked after by Matt and Dave. Problem is I have lost the fecking paperwork.
Somewhat alarmed that Mick has started reading the blog - thought I better try and post something meaningful.
Dissapointed to hear that Phil has had his Incapacity Benefit withdrawn - gits. Tuesday no work at Abbey Sefton - doing some website related stuff and have some media types to talk to. Ann a very nice freelancer who is doing a piece for Weight watchers Magazine about surgery and the usual people looking for a childhood obesity "victim" who is telegenic.
Conference season starts this month Manchester, Liverpool - June, and London October . Add to that an invitation speak at the MSc at Chester and some Midlands Gastro gig and you have the lot. (so far).
But for today rethinking the Content management side of WLSinfo is the challenge. (As well as washing and other mundane house hold chores).
Saturday, March 03, 2007
A busy week
6 months sobriety came and went. Rewarded myself with the purchase of some software. Throw in nannas birthday and you have a busy week.
Speech and language therapist says there is improvement
I have been practicing writing emails on both the keyboard and my phone. Apparently the practice is paying off. I am really lucky that we ha...
I whip Ally down to Neighbourhood for brunch. Tasty if pricey.Then its drop her in town and then off to the tip for me. Then pop into see N...
Visited by Val and Mary last night. Basically return to work plan on hold till I see the surgeon next week. I took two sleeping pills and a ...
Girls off to town so messing about on website for me. Busy day trying to catch upwith stuff. Picked mum up from Nannys both look ill to me. ...