Monday, July 31, 2006

Weekend over

Dave cancelled his stag night, it wasnt going to be a big affair anyway, we ended up in lefteris having a greek just jean and I. Sunday took a long walk to get the car and I walked back through the woods. In the pm off to try shirt and waistcoat for wedding then tescos, lime street and pick ally up. She had a good time then it was off to Browne for the old dodderers 50th. Good to Sheila and Bill and the rest of the gang. Janes sister Pam weirdly reveals she met a bloke doing bariatrics from Liverpool at a conference in Telford a few years ago - yup it was me. Made a show of meself by getting drunk but amused Anna Mikes youngest.

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...