Sunday, March 21, 2004

Wednesday am

Starts at partnership for learning on the jaguar factory site. Well to me it will always be the ford factory. Ita posh gaff for sure don't seem to be many south liverpool residents in there. We are up into the theatre for the CHI preliminary feedback visit. Was a bit anxious and it was a big gig. All goes generally well then off back to the matchworks via boots for a butty. Get back to the works and temp David tells me not to pick my mum up from the royal as she is being kept in. Darn I had forgotten. She was down for a gastroscopy and they decided it to keep her in. I get in touch with dave my brother, then the gastro unit. Details are sketchy at first, not much hard evidence and they are keeping her in, ?bleeding, ?clots, ?ulcers. Who knows.

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Off to Mums.

Cereal for breakfast, two hours working from home. Then it's two buses to mums. Pop into Tesco metro for a lighter choices prawn Mayo sa...