Monday, July 08, 2024

Late nights and Early mornings.

The hospital has its own rhythm unfortunately I keep missing my place. So I was up at 6 and I am here waiting to see if I can get some of my usual strength of Quetiapine pills. It's a novel antipsychotic that works with my mood stabilisers (lithium and sodium valproate) and mirtazapine to keep my bipolar happy. It's available in 25mg or 200mg. I take 600mg last night there was only 25mg available- do the math. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

King Toast

I have blogged before about the role of toast in my nursing career and its pivotal role as the staple snack in NHS. A child of the sixties I was exposed to many bread promoting advertising campaigns. One of them "six slices a day is the well balanced way" has stuck with me. Nobody mentioned the lathering of butter that I have often applied. The catchphrase was promoted by British and Irish millers to try to halt the decline in white bread consumption. 1970-74.
Anyway toast is everywhere in the NHS and to borrow a rodent analogy you are never more than 6 feet ish from a means of making toast in the NHS.
I spent a lot of my student days making, eating or thinking of toast or related matters.

Water No Get Enemy - Fela Kuti

Saturday, July 06, 2024

The plan is the first casualty of war.

Ok so I had resurrected my vintage blog to chart the highs and Lows of my repair to my vintage cerebral aneurysm (no 1). I read all the preop info. Lost some weight increased my physical activity and even did some COPD classes. I thought I was ready to go and up for it. The blurb said one or two nights in dock and 4-6 weeks off work. In my dreams. I confess in retrospect I was terrified. Particularly of having a stroke caused by the trauma and losing speech or thinking power.
Jean dropped me off at the front of the hospital advised not to rush away in case there wasn't a bed. Jefferson Day Ward came up trumps with a bed and a chair with my name on. I got changed into the kit. Was told to sit in the chair but opted for getting in to bed pulling covers and falling promptly to kip.

Late nights and Early mornings.

The hospital has its own rhythm unfortunately I keep missing my place. So I was up at 6 and I am here waiting to see if I can get some of my...