Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Never thought I would make it

Its been long hard slow rollercoaster white knuckle journey but today I reached a year without a drop of the devils buttermilk. Or Alcohol if you prefer. Head feels clearer life is better and much is improved. A very positive mood.


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and watching your journey is heart breaking, heart warming and more than anything inspiring. You have got on with whatever life has thrown at you, even though it must have been one big uphill struggle at times.

What a very special person you are. I hope you feel extremely proud of yourself - because you should !

Many Congratulations Ken Clare.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the year without the hooch.
Well done Ken
btw updat the blog more please ,I enjoy reading it.

Pip said...

Many, many congratulations Ken.
Having lived through the "side effects" of alcohol issues, I have the most tremendous respect for anyone who can abstain.
Well done

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