Sunday, October 13, 2024

Yesterday and today.

I was tired yesterday and lay on the bed in the afternoon chasing some elusive shut eye which as to form didn't arise. Not helped by a drop in external temperature and a mad shower of hailstones. Decided to leap off the bed and set up the new eero mesh WiFi I snaffled in the prime day sales. Note I don't leap anywhere anymore. I was very diligent at unplugging everything but omitted to make a note of my network name and password. It only took me an hour to reassemble the letters numbers and special characters into the right combo. Got there eventually but gave myself a headache. Added the second box in the hall and things seemed good. Apple TV wasn't responding on the Ethernet. Just added it to WiFi and worked out what to do. Watched a scary movie which did make me jump a few times. All seems ok on the WiFi front and one box still to deploy. May need another on for the kitchen but who knows.
Typed on iOS.

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busy day

Got quite a few things sorted but still things are building up. Off to see the neuropsychiatrist tomorrow at Walton. Happy days. Will follo...